A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning. B. Each player answers the questions about themselves. C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
10 years ago... We had lived in Logan about a year and I started working at the University. It was also the year Daryl and I went to Nagano for the Olympics - well, me for the fun and Daryl for the work.
5 things on my to do list today...
- laundry, something I am not good at remembering - so different from 10 years ago
- exercise
- although I don't work on Mondays, I have a meeting tomorrow that I have to attend
- work on my China trip pictures
- exercise
What I would do if I were suddenly a billionaire... I would quit my job. I would travel First Class when I go to China (or anywhere else). I would love to have enough money to really help others.
5 bad habits....
- I never get movies back in time and always have late fees
- I am not great at keeping records
- I RARELY cook, or grocery shop for that matter
- I don't drink enough water
- Playing Solitaire
5 jobs that I have had...
- My first job was at Taco Time in Caldwell
- Western Auto
- secretary
- Academic Advisor
- my favorite - a mom and a grammy
5 things people don't know about me...
- I rode and elephant and went on a hot air balloon ride when I was young (at different times)
- I get really cranky when I am hungry
- There is a bar of soap between my sheet and mattress. I stops for leg cramps (and yes, it does work)
- I generally have more than one book going at a time
- My favorite car is a Bentley - maybe I would buy one if I were a billionaire.
As for those of you who are tagged, I don't think there is anyone left. I would tag Tami, but, well, you know .........
I've tried the soap and it works...I don't know how or why but it really does! Also, grumpy is an understatement...just make sure you have treats when you're spending a day with grammy!
Yep... if you have np blog, you can't be tagged.
It ingenious!
It is fun to read others lists though.
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