Friday, November 7, 2008

Summer 2008

As I sit waiting for it to snow (UGH), I am remembering the fun we had this summer. Ali came from Philadelphia. When I picked her up from the airport, I couldn't believe how much she had grown - such a little lady. Kathleen and the boys were here and we got to see Jeff for a short time. It is always fun to have them here. Melissa and boys and Kristin and Jen came often we we had a good time. The boys are the BEST! Papa built them a tree house and, as Liam would say, "No girls allowed!" Ali, Liam and I spent one night in the tree house - it took me awhile to recover from that!

Uncle Mike's favorite holiday is July 4th. He helped the boys with the fireworks. Both Liam and Tyler, however, weren't sure about the noise!


Melissa said...

YAY!!!!!!!! I was so excited to see you posted...we're still waiting for pics from China and N. Logan:-) We DID have a fun summer, and eventhough you aren't fond of the snow, it'll be fun to be together for Thanksgiving and Christmas!

Brandi Schall said...

Cute pictures! You have the cutest grand-boys (and grand-girl Ali) :)

Liv's UPSET the snow melted! She's sad it's fall again. She had a grand day the day it snowed and stuck last week.